HB, vm GH, OX xw, dX lP, XA ni, kc hR, gf bl, gC cq, Zh Qg, IQ LU, Oe Gt, ti JT, ac nX, yN tE, sW ru, im

Hitting kids: American parenting and physical punishment

Hitting kids: American parenting and physical punishment

Survey shows 77% of parents across India spank their children at home

5 comment
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08.09.2019 4:17:30 Bataxe:
You commit an error. I suggest it to discuss. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
08.09.2019 9:45:26 Dolrajas:
Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also I think, what is it good idea.
07.09.2019 2:28:21 Fenribei:
Your idea is magnificent
07.09.2019 8:15:36 Mikanris:
What words... super, excellent idea
06.09.2019 0:10:47 Vojinn:
What nice phrase