When it comes to pregnancy counsel, female family members, pregnant friends and even experienced moms don't always know best. Yet many expectant women are more apt to listen to those sources than they are to follow medical advice , a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found. To help you separate pregnancy facts from fiction, we examine the science or lack there of behind several common beliefs. Answer : Old Wives Tale.
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Pregnancy Advice: Old Wives Tales Vs. Science
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Innovation in your inbox. Get the latest from The Tech Interactive. The genetics of hair color is still a bit of a mystery, but we do know a few things. If two brunette parents have a blond child, that means they had to have instructions for making blond hair hidden in their DNA. You probably know that DNA is organized into small pieces called genes , which help control how our bodies are built. And your genes can come in different versions, called alleles.
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Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Brody Foxx.
Whatever you choose to do with your body hair is totally up to you. Shave it, sugar it, wax it, laser it all off, or rock body hair the way Mother Nature intended. Either way, it's time we end the stigma surrounding women's body hair altogether. Unfortunately we live in a world where it's still seen as taboo for women to be anything other than hairless.