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Video сomments (5)
Tomek 13.06.2022
Well done, what words are needed ..., the remarkable idea
Tavion 13.06.2022
What about crazy thinking?
Lusala 13.06.2022
a wonderful, very entertaining opinion
Gardalkree 17.06.2022
A woman is the exact opposite of a dog. The dog understands everything, but can not say anything ... Yesterday stood, and today you came. Despite the fact that a woman has lived alongside humans for several million years, there is still much that is mysterious and incomprehensible in her behavior and lifestyle. A crazy woman is a woman who at the end of sexual intercourse screams, "Not into me!!!" What you sow - you will find in hell
Togor 20.06.2022
I am ready to help you answer the questions.


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