By developing an effective advertising plan, you increase the likelihood of a positive return on your advertising investment, regardless of the amount you spend. Advertising is an investment in your business, similar to other investments to improve and expand your business. The return you receive depends on the planning and thought that precede the actual commitment and expenditure of advertising dollars. This Financial Guide is not intended to be an in-depth analysis of advertising principles and alternatives - that is beyond its scope. Rather, it is intended only to provide a basic review - to stimulate your thinking - of how to develop an effective advertising program.
Top 25 Cable and Satellite Operators - Multichannel
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The allegations of antitrust violations create yet another headache for Nielsen, which increasingly finds itself defending its methodology and products. Its new local-people-meter LPM ratings system, already under fire for undercounting minorities and younger viewers, is about to roll out in Washington and Philadelphia June It also asserts that Nielsen gobbles up smaller competitors, thwarting competition. ErinMedia says Nielsen even tried to acquire it, although Nielsen refutes that claim.
Most of the loss stemmed from a sale of , subs sold to Bresnan Communications in March. As of the end of second quarter, Comcast counted nearly 7 million digital cable subscribers, up from the 6. Modem customers totaled 4.